Cliq Mobile App

Cliq is a mobile application targeted toward young females, trans people, the LGBTQ community and other minorities at a greater risk for sexual violence in Canada. The purpose of the app is to enhance the security of individuals when going out to bars, clubs and concerts where sexual violence is more prevalent. A group of friends can connect through the app by “creating an event”- this will allow the group to see their friend’s locations within a venue and keep track of each other in crowded places.

The app initiates templated group texts and the ability to quickly drop their location to all of their friends at the event if they are lost or in an uncomfortable situation. This app provides its users with the power to keep in touch with their inner circle or “Cliq” at all times.

Design Process

1. Research

2. Brainstorming

3. Wireframing 

4. Prototyping